We are launching our Autumn podcast series “Climate on Your Doorstep” with an exploration of AR6, the most sobering IPCC report yet, and what it means for the UK’s weather. This Sixth Assessment Report is the first major review of the science of climate change since 2013. In the run up to COP26 we spoke to Dr Chris White, Head of the Centre for Water, Environment, Sustainability and Public Health at the University of Strathclyde and Dr Lizzie Kendon of the Met Office about why this report is different, the effect climate change will have on the UK’s weather in the near future and what we can do about it. 

Our guests:


Dr Lizzie Kendon has 15 years of experience working at the Met Office Hadley Centre on regional climate modelling. She leads a team of scientists using very high-resolution (kilometre-scale) models to study climate change, with a focus on gaining a better understanding of climate extremes and their future change. Her work has been pioneering in the field of high-resolution climate modelling, with high-profile papers in Nature Climate Change and Nature Comms. She recently led work delivering the first national climate scenarios at kilometre scale as part of the UK Climate Projections (UKCP) project. Lizzie also has a joint position as Professor in the Faculty of Science at Bristol University, with collaborative work on exploiting new high-resolution climate projections for impacts modelling (e.g. flooding) and user applications. Prior to joining the Met Office, Lizzie did a PhD at Imperial College London. As an undergraduate Lizzie studied Natural Sciences (Physics) at Cambridge University and also has an MSc in Pollution and Environmental Control from Manchester University. 



Dr Chris White is the Head of the Centre for Water, Environment, Sustainability and Public
Health at the University of Strathclyde, which undertakes fundamental and applied research that provides novel solutions to some
of the most pressing global environmental challenges, including net zero and the circular economy,
water and waste, environmental health, and climate resilience.
He leads the Engineering for Extremes research group that focuses on understanding extreme
weather events and hydro-meteorological hazards such as floods and droughts, their impact on the
built and natural environments in a changing climate, and the development and application of
climate services for improved decision-making and climate resilience.
His research interests are cross-disciplinary, including the emerging fields of multi-hazard compound
and cascading events, impact-based forecasting, and the prediction and application of predictions on
extended-range weather and climatic timescales. He is part of the Management Committee of
the European COST Action CA17109 on compound events, and is co-leading a new applications sub-
project of the World Meteorological Organization’s WWRP/WCRP S2S Prediction Project.