COP Conversations

The COP we should have had 20 years ago?

Reflections on COP26 from head of the UK’s Climate Change Committee

Green Hydrogen on Tap

Exciting innovations in vehicle transport with Earthshort prize winner Vaitea Cowan and Hugo Spowers of Riversimple.

After the Pandemic

Rethinking our future together in response to the Climate Emergency.

Shifting Sands – Adapting to Climate Change

Exploring the social, emotional, economic and physical challenge of climate change adaptation

Biodiversity in Crisis

We caught up with Prof Andy Purvis of the Natural History Museum at COP26 to talk biodiversity, Greta, shifting baselines and lobbying.

Striking for the Planet

Fridays for Future Climate Striker’s message for COP: listen to us, listen to the science and act now before it is too late!

The Power and Hope of Youth

Voices of young activists and students on the 4th day of COP26

Talking Climate Politics

The climate does not have a voice. When citizens raise theirs on its behalf, are they being heard?