Climate Strikes - What's Next?
In the wake of the global climate strike Amanda talks to the UK Student Climate Network about The Green New Deal and hears from the only law firm in the UK to declare a Climate Emergency, exploring how we should build on the momentum of the biggest climate mobilisation in history. This is the second in our series on Youth Activism.
Our guests:
David Hunter is a legal consultant with Bates Wells. His focus is the impact economy, spanning everything from how businesses can flourish whilst acting more responsibly to how the state can improve commissioning of services for the public good; from how investors can achieve social as well as financial returns from their investments to how civil society organisations (whether charities or social enterprises, co-operatives or other forms of social business) can prosper. In the midst of the climate emergency, the sixth extinction and imminent soil and water crises, David is committed to working with organisations actively looking to implement paradigmatic change, not just modest amelioration of the current system.
Henry Scott is a youth climate striker and a member of UKSCN, where he headed up the media and film working group and helps to organise different events. He is in his second year of sixth form, studying economics, politics and psychology.